Latest Updates

Oct 16, 2023

Bill C-21 is in the committee stage. This is where people and organizations will appear in front of the Senate SECD committee to influence how the Senate will deal with this bill. This process should take 1 to 2 months. The latest projection for Bill C-21 to become law is sometime in December 2023. Email, mail and call Senators now. Also, spread awareness by sending the link to everyone you know.

Nov 23, 2023

Hearings at the Senate Committe (SECD) have been ongoing. Rod Giltaca of the CCFR testified on Nov 2nd and good news, the Senators on the committee watched our video "C21 For Senators". Thanks to everyone who sent the link, we succeeded in having our voices heard. Now we'll have to see how the Senate treats this terrible bill. 
"Clause by clause" is scheduled for Nov 27th. This is where Senators have their own debate over the bill and formulate their own amendments to the bill. Stay tuned for more updates as we head toward the end of the year. 
Together we can