Write a Letter

Write a Letter

Writing a set of letters, even the same set, once a week while the Senate is considering Bill C-21 can make a big difference, but you need to actually do it. Here’s how:

1. Write a Letter

Tell them that you’re not fooled by their claim that they aren’t targeting you, you’re losing firearms based on their new law. Let them know that it’s because of political bills like this that your faith in Canada’s institutions is failing. Now, this part is REALLY important; tell them to take just a few minutes to watch the video “C-21 For Senators” at www.scrapC21.ca to find out why you oppose the bill. This is where problems with the bill are explained. Finally, ask them to reject C-21 in its entirety. That’s it. No more is needed. 

Make 12 copies, and sign them.

  1. Write “Dear Senator,” at the top, or for better results, address them personally to the individual Senator.
  2. Send a letter to all members of SECD, the committee responsible for reviewing this bill. You can send your letters for free to their Parliament Hill address in the format below. Click the links for more contact info.
  3. Mail may be sent postage-free to any Senator at the following address:

    Name of Senator
    The Senate of Canada
    Ottawa, Ontario
    K1A 0A4

Here’s who to send them to:

National Security, Defense & Veterans Affairs (SECD) Committee

If you want to do even more…

Send a letter to all the Senators.

If you want to do more, send a letter to all the Senators. They will all eventually vote on the bill. You can do it by simply addressing the letters to each Senator on the list found with this link. https://sencanada.ca/en/senators/


Important Pro Tip

Don’t burn yourself out. It’s better to send a few letters each week than to work yourself till you’re sick of it and then quit. This is a long game, so pace yourself.

Together we can
